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NCYC provides a range of services to Brewers. NCYC originated as a Brewing collection and host over 600 brewing strains.

Unlock Excellence in Yeast Management with NCYC

Commercial Services: NCYC specialises in commercial yeast services, catering to the storage, identification, and supply needs of companies worldwide.

Confidential Safe Deposit – YEAST Banking Service & Regular Supply:
            🔐Secure & Confidential Storage: Our Yeast banking service ensures confidentiality and
              secure storage for your proprietary yeast strains.
            🌐Exclusive Access: Retrieve your cultures on-demand, exclusively as per your instructions.
            🌟 Optimal Preservation: Preserved under ideal conditions, your cultures maintain their properties flawlessly.
            🌍 Global Services: Providing yeast cultures worldwide.

Other Comprehensive Services:

🧪 Yeast Propagation: Tailored services for cultivating and multiplying yeast.
🧬 Yeast Identification: Accurate identification services.
🔬 Characterisation of Yeasts: Detailed insights into your yeast strains, enhancing your production processes.

Our Brewing Collection: With over 600+ brewing strains, NCYC is a source of strains for brewing companies.
At NCYC, we're committed to yeast management, ensuring quality, security, and confidentiality for our clients.

The most popular services we offer for brewers are: